When you lease a car, you might not be sure who else you can let behind the wheel and it’s a question we’re commonly asked by our customers. To help you understand who can and can’t drive a lease we’ve put together this helpful article answering some of the most commonly asked questions about who can get behind the wheel of your lease car.

Can More than One Person Drive a Lease Car?

Yes. As long as the lessee is one of the people driving the car and all drivers are properly insured then multiple people can drive your lease car.

Do I Need the Funder’s Permission for Someone Else to Drive My Lease Car?

No, as long as they are properly insured you do not need to get the funder’s permission before allowing someone else to drive your lease car.

The only time you may need to let your funder know that someone else will also be driving the vehicle is if you take it abroad. As you’re not the legal owner of the car you’ll need to get a VE103 document, which essentially says you have permission to travel and drive the car.

Can My Children Drive a Lease Car?

Yes, as long as your children hold a full UK driving licence and is covered by an insurance policy they are able to drive your lease car.

If they are driving on a provisional licence then there may be some additional steps that you need to take for them to be able to drive the lease car.

Can You Learn to Drive in a Lease Car?

We recently wrote an entire article on learning to drive in a lease car which will give you a full break down on learning to drive in a lease car. The quick answer to this is that it depends – you may be able to learn to drive in a lease car, provided a number of criteria are met and it’s something your funder allows. Read our article (LINK TO BLOG) to get the longer answer with a more detailed breakdown on what you need to do.

Can My Partner Drive My Lease Car?

Yes, you can have your partner drive your lease car provided they are fully covered by your insurance policy. Just as you can with your own vehicle you are allowed to let others drive a lease car as long as they’re correctly insured and meet the other legal requirements needed to drive in the UK.

One thing to be aware of is that you will usually need to be the main driver on the insurance policy and your partner a named driver.

The only time your partner might not be able to drive the lease car is if you’re travelling abroad. Most funders will allow you to have a second named driver when travelling, but some only allow the lessee to drive abroad.

How Do I Insure Others to Drive My Lease Car?

Insurance will work the same as if you were in a car you own outright. You will simply need to add additional drivers as a named driver on your policy.

There are two things you need to be mindful of when insuring your lease car for multiple drivers is that you will need fully comprehensive cover for all of them, and that the main driver will need to be the leaseholder.  

Take a look at our lease car insurance guide if you want to learn more about insuring your lease car.

What Happens If Someone Else Driving My Lease Car is in an Accident?

If your lease car is involved in an accident then the process will be fairly similar to what would happen if you owned the car outright.

The accident will need reporting to the police and then to your insurance company to arrange for the vehicle to be repaired. The work must be completed to a high standard as if the repair is noticeable or does not meet the expected standard you may be charged for the cost of rectifying this at the end of your lease agreement.

We recommend notifying your lease funder at the same time as your insurance company to make them aware of the accident and the car’s condition. They may ask you to keep them updated on the repairs work or insurance claim process, depending on the severity of the accident.

If your car is written off, then the process becomes a little different. Your lease funder will expect to receive the amount of your remaining lease payments and you will need to use the insurance payout to settle this balance. Something to be aware of is that if these numbers do not match up and your lease settlement is higher than your insurance payout then you will be responsible for any remaining amount. You may want to consider GAP insurance if you’re looking at a lease car, this will cover you in these circumstances.

What Happens If Someone Else Driving My Lease Car Gets Points?

Penalty points are given to the individual driver so if another person is given points while driving your lease car it will not have any impact on your driving licence or lease agreement. However, if it is a camera that captures a driving fault, such as driving in a bus lane or speeding, then the letter will be sent to your lease company as they’re the registered owner and keeper. The funder will usually advise the authorities of who is leasing the vehicle and then they will contact you. As long as you are able to provide the details of who was driving your car they will then be the ones contacted and liable for any penalty, whether this is points or a fine.

Can Someone Else Drive My Lease Car Abroad?

Most funders will allow two drivers to be named on the VE103 documentation you need to travel with a lease car. You may need to provide their full name, driving licence number and home address as appears on the licence in order to get them on the VE103.

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