Driving Fines in a Lease Car

Driving Fines in a Lease Car

When it comes to receiving fines for speeding and other traffic offences, it's worth knowing the process when you’re driving a lease car as it’s slightly different to when you own the vehicle yourself.

While we all hope it'll never be an issue, we’ve outlined the process below so you know what to expect should the worst happen.

Been caught speeding in a lease car?

So you think you’ve been captured on a speed camera or you’ve been pulled over by the police, in person. What now?

If you’ve been pulled over, you’ll need to provide your details at the scene and report it to your employer if you’re leasing your car through work.

If caught on a speed camera, there'll be a letter through the post to the ‘registered keeper’, which is the lease company, as opposed to a letter to you if you owned your vehicle yourself.

The lease company will need to arrange for the speeding ticket to be represented and sent onto you. This process will generate an admin fee in addition to the driving fine.

Received a parking penalty in a lease car?

It's important that you pay parking fines within the timescale issued. Notification of unpaid fines will be sent by the issuing authority to the registered owner and keeper of the vehicle which in the case of a leased vehicle will be the finance company. By the time they receive the reminder the fine may have increased and the finance company will then forward on the fine to you directly along with an administration fee for doing so, increasing the fine further.

What sort of driving fines can you get?

There are a variety of driving fines and penalties that drivers may receive for driving offences in the UK. A full list can be found on the Government website here. Some of the more common ones drivers may come across in addition to speeding and parking fines include:

Congestion charge fines

Drivers who don't pay the Congestion Charge within 3 days of travel will be sent a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for £160. If the PCN is paid within 14 days, the fee is £80.

ULEZ fines

If your vehicle doesn't meet the ULEZ emissions standards and isn't exempt, you need to pay a £12.50 daily charge to drive in London.

Cars, vans, motorcycles, mopeds, caravans, and minibuses can all be landed with a £180 penalty, if they haven't paid their ULEZ charge on time and correctly. Signs are at every boundary point when you're entering the zone and there are signs within the zone to remind drivers that cameras are operating. To avoid ULEZ fines why not consider a ULEZ compliant car for your next lease?

CAZ or LEZ fines

Other inner-city areas that drivers of more polluting vehicles must pay to drive through are called Clean Air Zones or Low Emission Zones . The aim's to encourage drivers to use newer, less polluting vehicles or make the switch to public transport and fines are in place for drivers who don't pay the necessary charges. Not all authorities charge, some use different methods to achieve the low emission compliance. Charges can vary. You can check if there's a charge for your car driving through a particular city here.

Is your employer responsible for your fines?

Ultimately, responsibility for speeding offences rest with the driver who has committed the offence, but the legal issues can be a little less clear when the car is driven for work purposes.

A car that's driven for work becomes a working environment and employers have a responsibility to keep employees safe while working. The employer therefore shares responsibility for its vehicles being driven safely and must take all reasonable steps to ensure drivers are able to use the road sensibly. However, the employee's still deemed ultimately responsible for the speeding and paying their fines.

What is the fine for speeding in the UK?

Speeding by a relatively small amount usually generates 3 penalty points and a fine of £100. A driver who accumulates 12 or more penalty points over 3 years is disqualified from driving.

 The points can have a knock-on effect if you receive a fine while leasing a company car. Any person who has 6 points on their licence can see their premiums rise which could affect the firm’s fleet insurance.

If you’re leasing directly through a lease company or you’re a private car owner, your own insurance is likely to increase.

If you’re caught speeding, you may be asked to pay for and attend a speed awareness course. While the fee can vary this typically costs around £100.

Lease car driving fine FAQs

Do I have to pay my own speeding fines when leasing a vehicle?

Yes and your leasing company may also charge an additional administration fee if they’ve had to send the fine onto you.

Depending on circumstances, you may be charged with a fixed penalty notice.

I've paid a speeding fine, do I need to notify anyone?

You should inform your leasing company when you've paid your speeding fine. It’s wise to send them proof of payment to prevent any doubts arising regarding the payment.

How many points will I get for a driving offence?

The number of points you receive will depend on the offence. To find out more about driving penalties visit the government website here

Do I still need to pay my lease if I get banned from driving?

Yes you do. However, if your ban exceeds your lease agreement, you can usually terminate your lease early but a percentage of the outstanding rentals plus any outstanding payments, plus admin and related charges will be payable.