As winter approaches, we've compiled our top tips for looking after your car throughout the colder months.
10 tips to get your car ready for winter
1. Check your vehicle regularly
As we head into the cold months it's more important than ever to check your vehicle often. Inspect the interior and exterior, including tyres, as well as aspects under the hood, particularly fluid levels, and that your lights and windscreen wipers are fully working.
2. Test your brakes
Winter road conditions often result in longer braking distances and braking that's difficult due to ice on roads. It's advisable to ensure your brake pads aren't worn and that they're working properly. Troubling signs include brakes that make squeaky or grinding sounds, the vehicle pulling to one side and the brakes feeling spongy when the vehicle's started. It's a good idea to undertake emergency braking tests at safe opportunities.

3. Replace old batteries
Most batteries have a 3 to 5 year lifespan and are most likely to die during the winter months. If your vehicle's approaching this age, you should be aware that it may need its battery replacing imminently. Signs of a failing battery include the car needing a jump start or ticking over several times before starting. They can also include a loss of power to components including the radio, electronic locking system or windows and a warning light on the dash.
4. Maintain regular servicing
Important all year round, regular servicing is never as vital as during the winter months. Up to date services keep your vehicle as safe as possible and ensure plenty of opportunity to observe any early warning signs of bigger issues in a timely manner.
5. Equip your car with a winter kit
A winter car kit's always a good idea. Your car may have one already included but if not, they're easy enough to purchase or compile yourself. A warning triangle, hi-vis jacket or vest, bottle of water, blanket, torch, shovel and first aid kit are often included in winter car kits.
6. Brush up your driving skills
Refresh your knowledge on how to drive safely during the winter. There are plenty of websites you can consult to increase your awareness of what to do in any given driving situation, especially in cold weather conditions and on icy roads. You can find some helpful information on the RAC website.

7. Keep emergency contact details safe
The important numbers that you need to know or keep somewhere safe are the numbers for your maintenance service if you have leased your vehicle with maintenance included, and your breakdown cover provider (these may be one and the same).
8. Stock up on anti-freeze
Before winter sets in, check which types of anti-freeze your fleet vehicle needs, ensuring that it's topped up as and when necessary.
9. Give your car a clean
Why not arrange a day when you complete all of your winter preparations and clean your car? A clean and clear interior prevents dirt and rubbish from damaging the interior of your vehicle and also makes it far easier to spot certain problems, such as chipped glass or damaged paintwork.
10. Access winter driving training
If you're at all worried about driving in winter conditions, why not sign up to a driver training course? Though we hear of driver training most often in association with businesses and employees who drive as part of their work, there are plenty of driver training courses geared towards individuals who want to gain skills and confidence in their driving too. Driver training courses are often available in the form of online courses and can be tailored towards individual needs. You'll find a wide range online.